
insurance (Photo credit: Alan Cleaver)

Error And Omission For Insurance Agent

Statistics demonstrate 1 in 7 insurance brokers will file an EO claim at some point in their career. Currently insurance agents rank fourth among professions in lawsuits filed against them. Only physicians, attorneys and accountants have more. (Tillinghast Survey)

There are certain precautions you should take regarding your livelihood  In the first place, your profession as an insurance agent has a lot to do with the care you render your customers. When carrying out your obligations as an agent, you may commit an error or mistake. Your customers may decide to seek justice in court. If you’re not properly protected by an insurance coverage, you may end up bearing the full cost of the litigation process.

You can protect yourself with E & O insurance for property and casualty insurance agents. This is a professional liability insurance instrument designed to protect insurance agents from whatever errors, mistakes or omission they may commit in the course of day to day business. EO insurance for agents is professional liability EO insurance designed to handle the risk exposure of property and casualty insurance agents and brokers.